friday favorites #3



Oh my gosh!  Look at all these beauties!!

The white daisies were a “just because” bouquet that my fiancé gave to me at least two weeks ago.  They still look beautiful.  AND the fiancé went to the LA flower market today & surprised me with Vday flowers- two bouquets!  He couldn’t decide between “romantic” flowers or “happy” flowers.  He’s starting to sound like me! haha  I am so lucky. ❤



My brother got me this scarf for me for Christmas! I love the neutral color- goes with everything.  I think it was from H&M.



I’ve been reading this book at work.  It’s SO SO good!   Read it.

Completed Task:


Something else to check off the to-do list.

Best Coffee:


Samsquatch. Coffee. Enough said.

Throwback photo:


Can I do this every week please?



Dark Chocolate, nuts & sea salt….with only 5g Sugar, 6g Protein, 7g Fiber and 200 calories? Yum. Sweet treat.



Unlike the feisty Winter Storm Pax hitting the South and Northeast, SoCal has had some beautiful warm weather this week!  We had a nice little beach walk yesterday evening.  Can’t beat that.


cookie in box

I made the fiancé some cookies for Vday.  I’ll share the story next week…let’s just say I was an early bird shopper…picked up some snickers and peanut  m&ms and chips ahoy for him….and by the time Vday rolled around….I had eaten them ALL…. whoops.  So he received some oatmeal/almond/dark chocolate cookies that turned out fabulous.  I’ll be sharing the recipe 🙂



I wore this apron while baking the cookies.  That’s probably why they turned out so GOOD.  Isn’t it cuuuute?! 🙂

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you celebrate it or not, it’s a good reminder to feel beautiful, share love, and treat yourself with kindness!

friday favs no 2

Hello friend(s)!

Since I haven’t posted a recipe/eats in a while I thought Friday Favs would focus on meal favorites from the week – trying to make it pretty healthy, lots of veggies, oats and smoothies!  Just to warn ya- most of my photos are not very pretty! haha I’ll work on that.


Egg scrambles with veggies, sometimes wrapped in an Ezekiel tortilla

Chipotle Salad Bowl (peppers/onions, black beans, salsa, sofritas – no cheese)

Sweet Potatoes, sautéed tofu, roasted veggies

Grilled Chicken on the grill (by the fiancé), roasted asparagus, and green beans

Green Protein smoothies (banana, kale, spinach, choc Pro powder, flax seed, almond milk- sometimes topped with 1/4 cup raw oats)

Trader Joe’s Ancient Grain Pizza (I don’t eat a lot of frozen pizza,  Most of them are so processed but the Nutri Facts in this one isn’t bad! It’s hard to limit yourself to one serving though!)

Pea Soup w/hot sauce and Trader Joe’s Veggie Chips (I cropped it in because the bowl wasn’t pretty- well this photo isn’t pretty either but you get the picture!)


Protein Pancakes– many different varieties! (this one is made with zucchini and topped with microwaved frozen banana and peanut flour sauce- sorry my pancakes are never very pretty- but VERY tasty!)

zucchini oat pancakes

Steel cut oats w/Greek Yogurt, banana, cinnamon and PB Flour

steel cut oats

Roasted Kabocha Squash (w/coconut oil)


Green juice


Lunch at Neptune’s Net– steamed shrimp & veggies (SO GOOD!)

neptunes net

What were some of your favorite meals or foods this past week?  Anything that you just can’t stop eating?

friday favs no 1

This breakfast that I’ve been making lately (2 eggs, spinach, cherry tomatoes, Ezekiel tortilla, and Tapatio):


These lip balms! I got one as part of a Christmas stocking and I love the all natural ingredients (sorry for lack of photo- I have a purple one):


This repotted beauty I conquered this week:


This green smoothie I’ve been making lately, inspired by this one:


My WI girlfriends- texts from them keep me grounded and positive:vymichelle







Positive messages from this lovely lady…. who I first found at For The Love of Kale.

This link on Delightful things

This little enlightening newsletter email that makes it easy to be in the loop: The Skimm

This oldie but goody: sammy’s girl crush